We help our clients to articulate their communication strategies, finding the right tone, helping them to define their key messages and assisting them to use the most effective communication channels and tools. We understand the nature of today’s fast changing communications landscape and know when and how to make the best out of social media platforms. We like to think creatively and always like to think about fresher, more innovative and very visual ways to reach out your target audience. Our communication services include event organizations, photography, video productions, infographics, graphic design, website development, copywriting and copy-editing. Contact us to find out more about our specific experience. We can show you examples of our works carried out for some of our clients including the European society of Anaeshesiology, European Mortgage Federation, Knauf Insulation Italia, European Industrial Insulation Foundation and CRM Group.
Over the years we were lucky enough to carry out some specific work to produce innovative edutainment formats to communicate important issues to younger generations. In 2009 we were among the first to use animated content to communicate EU policies among children. Some of our productions were distributed across the world. Thanks to this experience we became part of the thematic network POSCON – Positive Online Content and Services for Children in Europe and our methodology to engage the target group in the development and testing of age-appropriate content and visuals was included in the POSCON Checklist & Concrete Criteria for Positive Content.
Our TV productions My Friend Boo and In Search of Sara J as well as the webseries Boys and Girls remains reference projects and could be replicated in other contest and for other purposes. Let’s talk about it.

Rue Philippe Le Bon 15
1000, Brussels, Belgium
+32 2 588 56 70