Our public affairs services are aimed at engaging stakeholders in order to present our clients, provide information and advocate on issues which could impact upon their ability to operate successfully. Our work combines government relations and strategic communications advice. We offer a wide range of services:
• We monitor the development of European politics and policies (before the legislative process has begun) and identify opportunities and/or threats for your specific sectors.
• We identify your key stakeholders and assist you to build relationships, enlarge network and create opportunities for influence
• We work with you to define advocacy plans with clear objectives and deliverables.
• We advise clients on what we believe is the right approach and assist in the development of tools and channels to successfully implement advocacy plans.
• We specialise in Association Management.
Send us and email or give us a call to find out more about our public affairs services. We will be delighted to explain you what we concretely do and what we have been able to achieve for some of our current clients including European Alliance to Save Energy, the Coalition for Energy Savings, the European Childhood Obesity Group and the EU Chapter of the World Green Infrastructure Network.

Rue Philippe Le Bon 15
1000, Brussels, Belgium
+32 2 588 56 70