Business Solutions Europa is an independent and family-run public affairs, communication and project management consultancy. We are headquarted in Brussels, at the heart of the European Institutions and a cross-roads for international affairs. We believe in the European Union and our mission is to bring Europe closer to citizens, businesses, and local authorities.
We have fifteen years of experience in offering private and public organizations a fresh perspective on how to advocate for some of today’s most important public policy issues.
We are methodical and insightful. We help our clients to understand the politics and policies of the European Union and contribute to their development. Creating partnerships and facilitating dialogue and the exchange of important and practical information with the institutions and key European stakeholders is at the heart of all we do.
We invest in and draw on the expertise of talented people from across Europe to exploit opportunities and bring great ideas and projects to life. The team hails from a diverse set of backgrounds and has a broad range of competences, technical skills, languages, and a solid network of contacts.
Business Solutions Europa was founded in 2005. Since then we have developed a unique skill set, including: knowledge of EU policies and processes, strategic and media communication abilities, and experience in the management of projects, including EU funded transnational projects.

Rue Philippe Le Bon 15
1000, Brussels, Belgium
+32 2 588 56 70