Gemma Project

Never before has the case for greater energy savings been so strong. Greater energy efficiency is the fastest, cheapest, safest, easiest and cleanest way to deliver climate and energy security. It is an area where businesses active in Europe excel and where the right mix of policy and business leadership can improve and protect Europe’s competitiveness. This leadership could position our enterprises to benefit from the global necessity for energy efficiency which will be critical in a resource constrained world.
The European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE) was established at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in December 2010 in response to the urgent need for stronger action on energy efficiency in Europe. EU-ASE brings together leading companies providing energy efficient solutions, prominent European politicians, thought-leaders and campaigners from across Europe. They have joined forces to call for an end to the empty consensus on energy efficiency. Their mission is clear; to make it impossible for European policy makers to imagine a future where energy efficiency is not a fundamental part of securing a safe, reliable and low carbon energy system. Their approach will be to engage constructively with policy makers but to challenge forcefully the current status quo that continues to see our technologies and ideas left on the shelf rather than deployed to the benefit of Europe.
Business Solutions Europa is the General Secretariat of EU-ASE.

Rue Philippe Le Bon 15
 1000, Brussels, Belgium

+32 2 588 56 70

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